Light Motiv
Limited Liability Company with share capital of 7,622.45 euros, created in 1986
Creation of Editions Light Motiv in 2007
Activities: photographic and audiovisual production and distribution in all sectors (media, public and private institutions and companies, charities...), publishing of books, production of digital media with photographic and audiovisual content
Head office
39 rue du Pre Catelan
59110 La Madeleine
+33 (0) 3 20 06 90 98
Head of the agency and head publisher: Eric Le Brun
Agency coordinator: Nadège Fagoo
Coordinator of administration, production and media libraries: Elodie Collet
Coordinator of publishing, booksellers and international relations: Laurène Becquart
Web hosting
Editions Light Motiv's website is hosted by OVH (RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045).
Conditions of use
A user is defined as any person accessing the website
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Light Motiv Editions reserves the right to modify or update the conditions of use without having to notify users beforehand.
If users have expressed their wish to be updated on events and book releases, they may receive communications from Editions Light Motiv or from its partners. These communications may be interrupted at any time at the request of users by respecting the conditions to this effect.
Intellectual property
The website content is protected by copyright. Any total or partial reproduction of such content without the consent of the author is prohibited. On a non-exhaustive basis, it is thus specified that the distinctive signs, brands, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts as well as the sound extracts reproduced and represented on the website are the intellectual property of Éditions Light Motiv or its partners and cannot be reproduced, used or represented without the express authorization of Editions Light Motiv or that of its partners, or be subject to penalty of legal proceedings.
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